
#97: Donate Hair to Locks of Love [again]

January 12, 2009

Last Updated:

wind-blown-hair-athensI’m in a habit of chopping all my hair off about every 2 years.  It’s usually a fall or winter thing, and I try to wait until my hair is long enough to donate to Locks of Love. So after I got back to the States from traveling in Europe/Morocco at the end of November I immediately made a hair appointment. I didn’t end up getting my appointment until January though. :( And unfortunately, he deemed my hair too split-ended to donate this time around. I was really disappointed, but had it all chopped off anyway, as it was kind of a wind-blown disaster after traveling for a year. Next time! If I don’t cut it, it should be long enough again in spring/summer of 2010. wah wah!