Weekly Love

Tofu Dengaku + Picnics at Council Crest = Weekly Love

July 18, 2012

Last Updated:

I have a hard time remembering the last time I got completely absorbed in a book. Mildly embarrassing, but I spend so much time reading online, that I hadn’t picked up an actual book in too long. So I took The Rum Diary (Hunter S. Thompson) to the park on Saturday and left a few hours later, book finished. Reading undisturbed for hours on end, while drinking rose in the park has to be one of the best ways you can spend a Saturday afternoon.

This Week:

Beet salad – Dove Vivi has one of the best beet salads: beets, roasted walnuts, blue cheese, served on a bed of greens with shallot balsamic vinaigrette. Dinner.
evening rides & tofu dengaku – I love mid-week evening bike rides that have no destination. We ended up swinging by Biwa on the way home and I got my favorite little snack of tofu dengaku.
running – I [slowly] ran three times this week.
$5 community yoga – Drop-in prices of $5? Yes, please!
Clarklewis happy hour – one of my favorite happy hours in Portland, sometimes I don’t stop by for a while, but I always love their cheese and apple plate and gimlet.
bike race – I watched a fixie bike race on Friday night, and I felt kind of like an old lady from the ‘burbs.
Council Crest picnics – one of the best ways to spend a Saturday afternoon:

Accanto brunch – cheapy Genoa substitute, Accanto, has brunch. No lines. Tasty. Done.

What are you happy about this week?