
Powered by Tofu is all about living an adventure-filled life.

If you feel that your brand or product would be a good fit for a design-conscious adventurer please email me olivia@poweredbytofu.com to discuss partnership opportunities.

While Powered by Tofu is currently banner ad-free, I do partner with brands and events that are interesting to me and my readers in the following areas: Travel – where to spend and where to save to have the best experiences on a budget, working remotely/slow travel, Pacific NW weekend getaways, outdoors; Portland – events, new restaurants/shops; Fitnessrunning, yoga, health; and Food – vegetarian, pescetarian, cooking.

Please note: I do not offer “guest posts” to brands, sell text links, or guarantee [positive] coverage of a product or service. If I blog about your company, any free products or compensated partnerships are always disclosed, please do not contact me if you are going to request otherwise.

Thanks for your interest in Powered by Tofu readers.

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