I ran my first half marathon in 2013. I’ve grown to actually love running, who knew?! So here are some of my running highlights from my first few years of running and race recaps.
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My Running Story/Timeline
Lululemon SeaWheeze Half Marathon – August 2020 (canceled)
Shamrock Run 8k – March 2020 (canceled)
2018 RACES:
Daimler Holiday Half & 5k (5k) – Portland, OR
Lululemon SeaWheeze Half Marathon – Vancouver, BC – September 2018
2016 RACES:
Shamrock Run 15k – Portland, Oregon – March 2016 – 1:44:34 (11:13 pace)
2014 RACES:
Shamrock Run 15k – Portland, Oregon – March 2014 – 1:35:13 (10:12 pace)
Happy Girls 10k – Bend, Oregon – May 2014 – 0:59:39 (9:35 pace)
Lululemon SeaWheeze Half Marathon – Vancouver, BC – August 2014 – 2:11:34 (10:02 pace)
2013 RACES:
Color Me Rad 5k – Vancouver, Washington – May 2013 – 0:34 (11:00 pace)
Lululemon SeaWheeze Half Marathon – Vancouver, BC – August 2013 (My 1st Half!) – 2:30 (11:27 pace)
My Running Timeline:
My running “story” starts with the well-intended, but not thought out idea of running a marathon with my sister.
It was 2007, I went from not being a runner (like ever – beyond PE in high school and a college fitness class) to run/walking about 100 miles in my first two months of training. I ran/walked 13.5 miles one Sunday and hurt my IT band. For two months, I couldn’t even run a 1/4 mile without immediate and intense pain. So I stopped, what I had so quickly and exuberantly started, chalking it up to not being “built to run”.
2008-2012: I would go out for a run/walk 0-5 times a year.
December 2012: After having walking pneumonia in the fall, I set a 2013 goal of getting my health back in order.
January 2013: Signed up for the Lululemon SeaWheeze Half Marathon.
March 2013: Started the Couch to 5k program (using an app & Nike+ to track). Ran/walked 18 miles in March and 27 miles in April.
May 2013: Finished the C25k program. Ran/walked 42 miles, and ran my first “race” – the Color Me Rad 5k.
June 2013: Started the training program for SeaWheeze. Ran 62 miles (cross training was almost exclusively yoga).
July 2013: Stopped feeling the need to throw in a walk at a 10:1 ratio. Ran 78 miles, and hurt my IT band during my last long run of pre-half training (12 miles).
August 2013: My first half marathon! SeaWheeze in Vancouver. Because of my IT band, it was painful, but still an amazing time. I took two weeks off after, then ran as far as I could once a week – until my leg hurt. (1st week back .6 miles, 2nd week: 1.5 miles, 3rd week: 3.1 and no more pain!)
September – December 2013: I took it pretty easy, averaging about 22 miles a month. My goal during this time was to give my body a bit of a running break and to focus on other things like yoga, and cross training.
January 2014: Started training for the Shamrock 15k. Cobbled together a mix of Nike+ & Hal Higdon into a training plan.
March 2014: My one year running anniversary! Ran the Shamrock Run 15k in Portland and even with a hilly course (550 ft of elevation gain over a couple miles up to OHSU/Terwilliger), I ran my fastest race at 10:13 pace – about 2 minutes/mile off my pace from when I started a year ago (and no IT band pain)!
April 2014 & beyond: In my second year of running, focused more on strength in my cross-training days. And once again ran the SeaWheeze Half Marathon.