Canada Running

SeaWheeze Half Marathon – 2018 Race Recap

September 28, 2018

What a difference three years makes! After a three year break from running the SeaWheeze, I ran the 2018 SeaWheeze half marathon. The biggest difference was that the race this year was the third weekend of September. The first weekend of fall is a lot different than mid-August. As luck would have it, it poured almost all weekend!

Past years had dealt with bad wildfire smoke, so pick your poison – smoke or rain. Although, I think after this year, it’s going back to August! The other biggest difference this year, was a personal one. My first race as a tired mama. Ha! Gone are the days of worrying about getting enough sleep and if I’m hydrated. I was up half the night anyway, so I guess if anything mom life just makes you ready for whatever is coming your way. Half a nights sleep and it’s pouring rain. Bring it, Vancouver. Let’s do this!

Thankfully, I booked a hotel right near the starting line. I knew my time would be a bit more limited with a baby. And this ended up being great for the rain. I ran out of the building to join my pace group and was instantly drenched! But as usual, the hype was up and it was a great atmosphere. I just ran the entire race in a rain coat. It wasn’t the most convenient, but kept me from getting too cold!

My goal for this year was to just finish, and my official race time was 2:37. It was the toughest run and although I had been training for months, it was nothing like my 2014 run! I felt lucky to have been able to go though and overall it was a great weekend!

PreWheeze and PostWheeze

The PreWheeze and PostWheeze activities were all cut a little bit short because of the rain and having a baby along. But I was pretty impressed with what we were able to fit in. I just felt like I could sleep for a week after. :P

We ended up driving into Stanley Park for the post-party. With an almost one year old along, we wanted to be able to leave easily if the weather picked up or we were just over it. We found a spot with a bit of a walk and had a great time at the after party. A little bit of music, dancing, shopping, dinner, and of course that signature Postmark Brewing SeaWheeze collaboration beer. “Could you be more Pacific?” Juicy Pale Ale. Brought the baby headphones and he was stoked on the lights and dancing and it was a pretty fun time.

The next day we checked out Parallel 49 Brewing Company and food carts which was a fun area of Vancouver.

So here’s to kicking off fall with my third SeaWheeze half marathon. But maybe next time as a girls trip?!

Read more: Lululemon SeaWheeze Race Shorts – 9 Years of “Free” Race Perks!