Pacific Northwest Weekly Love

10 Things That Make Me Happy: Portland + Concerts + Cheese…

June 30, 2011

Last Updated:

It’s not quite July yet in my time zone. So I can officially still share my favorite things from last month. 1, 2, 3. Go!

1. Fleet Foxes! Really, really, really good live.

2. Picking out my garden at Portland Nursery – yay for tomatoes! {I have no photographic evidence of this}

3. Cotton Jones at Doug Fir. There aren’t words… so here’s a song.

4. San Juan Islands. We’ve already discussed my love of biking around on the San Juans.

5. Shark sheets… yep, I bought them. I’m ready for Shark Week!

6. I <3 my city. And speaking of, I’m writing our Portland travel guide for work now, WhyGo Portland. So go like me on the the Book of Face, and I promise to provide you with photos and anecdotes of my lovely city (and the randomness that comes with it).

7. Vermont Cheddar & Fuji Apple Cheese Plate @ Clarklewis = just about my favorite happy hour in PDX.

8. Putting an Ayn Rand quote on the TBEX postcard I designed for work. Winning.

9. Veggie burger w/chevre at Little Big Burger. Very much like this little snack still. Small enough to not give you food coma… but yes, you’ll also be hungry in a couple hours.

10. Ping Pong @ The Nest. {I was too busy kicking ass to take photos. No, not really, but regardless, I have no photos.}

What are you happy about?