
My 2012 Goals

December 31, 2011

Last Updated:

I finished up my 2012 goal setting in Pacific City (home of the other Haystack Rock on the Oregon coast) yesterday. A perfect one-night getaway from Portland — ocean view from our inn, beers at Pelican Pub & Brewery, walking on the beach, morning mimosas, and a rainy, but stunning afternoon hike out to Cape Lookout. Exceptional way to end 2011!

So as Part 3 of my End-of-the-Year wrap-up, here are a few of the things on my list for 2012…

2012 Goooooals:

  • Grow savings to $X
  • Sublet condo for 1-2 months
  • Apply to at least one new credit card for airline miles (only did 1 in 2011, but for 80,000 miles)
  • Make more money
  • Plan an iPhone app
  • Work remotely (not in Portland) for 1-3 months
  • Roll over 401k
  • Run a 5k
  • Continue 3-5x week fitness plan
  • No alcohol for 1 month
  • Volunteer again
  • Travel to South America or Portugal
  • Visit NYC, San Francisco, Boston or Savannah (essentially: another US city).
  • Attend 12 new Portland things (this one gets more difficult every year!)
  • Go on a quarterly getaway trip with boyfriend (Oregon/Northwest etc)
  • Find a mentor
  • Sew/craft something again (it’s been way too long since I’ve used my sewing machine!)
  • Find more girlfriends (with my best friend moving to Hawaii, I’m recognizing that I’m going to have to be a bit more proactive about getting closer with current friends and making more friends in 2012).

And to kick things off, January is going to be some kind of hybrid “be healthier and cook at home” goal + no alcohol. And with that, Happy New Year!

Part 1 – Yearly Goal Setting Template
Part 2 – 2011 Year-End-Review: So Long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Adieu…
Part 3 – My 2012 Goals

What’s on your 2012 goal list?

  • Cristina
    January 6, 2012 at 12:57 am

    I too have the fitness thing in my list. So I am doing something again ; then there are the two countries I KNOW I am going to visit: Italy and Greece. Hopefully I’ll make it to France, as well (something fiance is up to, but haven’t figured out yet ). I should add the quarterly getaway with fiance though, good idea! :)

  • Kristi
    January 3, 2012 at 12:00 pm

    Great list and I might just steal some of these ideas, because they are great.

    My goals are to organize my life (personal and professional), which includes stop losing major equipment like a camera (lost 2 this year). So, make it to 2013 without losing or breaking my new camera.
    Run a marathon (did my first half in December) and run the El Chupacabra race.

    Good luck!

  • Alistair
    January 1, 2012 at 4:45 pm

    Hi, Olivia! Happy new year! I like your list. I’m currently doing something similar on my website and we have some similar goals (finances, fitness, no alcohol etc). It would be good if we could help each other stay motivated to ensure we succeed! Maybe I can help with your last item (making more friends), although I’m not a girl!! :oS