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Another year in the books!
2013 was a big year for me. Some years seem to sneak by, but 2013 was not one of those years. My life was all about health and freedom this year. While everything didn’t go exactly as planned, I did two big things this year: #1 I quit my job to start freelancing. #2. I ran a half marathon.
The half marathon was a big change in my life because I spent months training for it. And for the first time in my life actually started to enjoy running (not something I thought would ever happen). Quitting my job was also a positive life change to end my year on.
As I’ve said before, doing an annual review is my favorite way to acknowledge the closing year before ushering in a new one. I don’t want to pretend that nothing bad or disappointing ever happens, but by reflecting on the good points of the year (and briefly touching on the not so great), it creates more positive momentum in my life. Sometimes when I’m feeling down, and only looking at the negative, it’s also nice to reflect on all the good that has happened.
So when I look back at my goals from the beginning of the year, I’m pretty proud…..
Some of my 2013 Things:
- Worked remotely for 1-3 months in 2013: about 2 1/2 months total this year in Hawaii and Florida
- Visited my bff and new baby niece in Hawaii 2x
- Attended 12 new Portland/Oregon things
- Ran 101x for a total of 333 miles (and counting)
- Ran a half marathon
- Got my health back in order
- Made my place feel more like home
- Hosted a cocktail party (French 75 party) and a baby shower for my sister
- Applied for a few more mileage/points cards for travel (Chase Sapphire, and a business AA card)
- Visited a new North American city: San Francisco
- Launched my freelance business working for myself – and blog Early Bird Strategy
- traditions: planned camping trip with family & made an advent calendar
- focused on cultivating more friendships
- put $4,500 in my IRA
- did my first yoga headstand!!!
- completed another 30 day yoga challenge
- took 4 “mini break” trips! (meaning: local or west coast – Astoria, Bend, Vancouver, SFO)
- days traveling: 79 and 17,355 miles, new countries: 0, countries: 1 (Canada)
- read 6,445 pages (or so Goodreads tells me)
Some things I didn’t do:
- Get a road bike
- make an iPhone app
- grow savings to X
- Take a new class
- Visit a new country :(
- Take another 2-3 week trip (but one is planned for early 2014 instead)
- lots more things
So in all, including personal items that I haven’t shared here on the blog, this year I completed 68% of my goals, which leaves me with not completing 32%. In all, a pretty fantastic year!
2013 in Pictures
JANUARY: Home life + Portland outings + kitty snuggles

FEBRUARY: Portland winter life + making our place feel like home

MARCH: Spring + hosted a cocktail party + hiking
APRIL: Florida + beach time + yoga + working remotely
MAY: Back to Portland + hosted baby shower + Bend, Oregon
JUNE: summer + family and Oregon coast + 1st 5k + Astoria, Oregon
JULY: baby niece arrived + running + running + running
AUGUST: 1st half marathon + nonstop Oregon visitors
SEPTEMBER: meeting my niece for the first time + Hawaii
OCTOBER: Fall colors + I quit my job + San Francisco
NOVEMBER: more fall + back to Hawaii for Thanksgiving
DECEMBER: Portland + Advent calendar fun + Florida again
What great things happened in your life this year?
January 9, 2014 at 7:52 amI did a recap, as well if you want to check it out at
But the cool things I did was performed on a trapeze, made a gingerbread house, and dressed up for a fun winter themed 5k. Next year will be even cooler with learning to drink scotch, weld something, play chess, and shoot my new bow and arrow.
January 10, 2014 at 9:30 amFun! I still haven’t done a themed “dress up” 5k! Love the yoga retreat idea too!