
#72: Finish Apartment Therapy

November 5, 2007

Last Updated:

It’s official. I completed my first Apartment Therapy Cure. Yes, there’s always more that could be done, but I’m really proud of everything that I accomplished in the last 8 weeks (& my apartment thanks me too).

Biggest accomplishment:
Framed Cavallini & Co. calendar art
Adding living room wall art (my 2nd favorite purchase, at only $15 per frame and I already had the “prints”!)

Toughest week:

Cleaning the office area/files (I should take an “after” picture of this)

Favorite purchase:
Colorful plants & pots
$1 pots/$1.50 plants from IKEA for the bedroom. These colorful planters make me smile when I wake up in the morning.

Best new recipe:
Tofu Stir-Fry Wraps
Tofu Stir-fry Wraps. Yums!

So, this is the end of bi-weekly posts about my apartment. I’m kind of sad! But another year, another cure (maybe).