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My latest cupcake obsession has been Banana Cupcakes with Honey-Cinnamon Frosting from my dear friend, Martha. They’re super quick and especially awesome if you have over-ripe bananas that you need to use up… way tastier than banana bread.
The first time I made them, I made 24 mini cupcakes — which was good, but 6 massive cupcakes are way more fun. Plus, with only 6 you get to say “mmmm…. I just ate a third of a stick of butter! mmm…” every time you eat a cupcake!
What have you been cooking lately?
December 11, 2009 at 12:27 pmYour making me hungry, good thing I have cereal around.
December 1, 2009 at 8:42 pmRecipe please! They look soooo nice
.-= AdventureRob´s last blog ..BBQs and Kangaroos =-.
November 12, 2009 at 9:59 pmYum! Loves me some banana cupcakes.