
I Love Oregonians

April 21, 2008

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I’m back in Queenstown. This time I’m staying out at Bumbles Hostel, west of town, across the street from the lake. It’s a smaller hostel, so a lot cozier than the massive hostels in the downtown area. Anyway, two of my new roomies are Oregonians. We’re everywhere, and watch out because we love to brag, I mean talk, about our state!

After my whirlwind tour of the south coast, it’s really nice to not be packing up and moving on for a few days. This afternoon, I walked out to the larger supermarket in the suburbs to buy a few groceries. I got a little carried away, and ended with a lot of breads, cheeses, and fruits. Why does this always happen to me? I also did some shopping on Beech Street, and finally broke down and bought a hoodie. So comfy! It’s starting to get pretty cold here, especially in the evenings. After dinner, I hung out with my fellow Americans. I haven’t been in a room with seven Americans since I left home. Sometimes Americans are just more fun! ;)

Another chilled out day in Queenstown… Although this is the adventure capital of New Zealand, I’ve just been relaxing. After breakfast, I borrowed the disc golf frisbees from the office and headed out to the course at the Queenstown Gardens. It wasn’t marked well and was super windy, but I still had fun. This evening, Amanda and Sas rolled back into Queentown. They had spent a few extra days in Dunedin, so it was fun to catch back up with them.