Food + Drink

In Season Cooking: Roasted Summer Vegetables

July 17, 2009

Last Updated:

summer-squash-plantWe just harvested our first summer squash this week! This is my first time growing squash — so I was all squeals when I found it hiding out under all the squash canopy leaves.

I’ve been dying to make Pasta with Roasted Summer Vegetables and Basil — my favorite squash recipe three summers running!  To be honest, I wanted to plant summer squash just for this recipe! You roast summer squash, grape tomatoes, red onion, and garlic in the oven until they’re caramelized. Then you mix it with campanelle pasta, Parmesan cheese, and fresh basil. Yum!

It’s from the Martha Stewart Everyday Food magazine, but you can also get the recipe online.

What’s your favorite squash recipe?

  • Daisy
    July 21, 2009 at 4:46 pm

    This sounds delicious! My zucchini squash will be ready soon. My favorite way (outside of zucchini bread!) is slicing squash (green or yellow) thin, do the same with a few red potatoes, sprinkle with olive oil and a few herbs, and then cook in foil in the coals of the grill. Mmm. Fresh vegetables!

    • poweredbytofu
      July 30, 2009 at 2:54 pm

      @Daisy Sounds great! I’ll have to try this one!

  • tofu recipes
    July 17, 2009 at 11:42 pm

    I love your blog very much, really refreshing!
    I guess it is very exciting when you found the summer squash that harvest, right?
    I do love the red onion and cheese that added in the recipe, and for me, I would like to add more cheese, hah…
    Thank you for sharing.