
“Kia Ora!” from Kaikoura

April 9, 2008

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I chose the bus pass that loops counter clockwise around the south island and then straight up through the north island to Auckland. So we headed north this morning to Kaikoura. Only five of us just started our pass in Christchurch, so everyone else on the bus is ending their trip and heading up to the north island. So far everyone seems pretty quiet. We ended up stopping along the way for food and then to take a 10 minute “hike.” I love riding the bus in New Zealand! Time goes really quick, because the scenery is so gorgeous!

We arrived in Kaikoura around noon. I decided against the dolphin swim and whale watching (that this little fishing town is known for), since I’ve seen my share of whales for pretty cheap back home. Instead, I got nachos at a really cute little cafe and then decided to walk to the winery on the hill. Unfortunately, the walk ended up being along the highway, so I was walking beside semi trucks and fields. I almost turned around, but I figured I was already half way there. I ended up meeting three people from the Magic bus there and walked back to town with them. This town is so small, and there’s basically one main street. We went to the pub across the street after dinner. It ended up being quiz night. My team was in second place for a while, but a local team ended up sweeping the game. Really, how is local trivia even a category?