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As PDX Beer Week came to a close this week, it’s a been a fun mix of beer and exercising to counterbalance the beer.
This Week:
Kettleball workout – I tried a kettleball workout for the first time this week (Lululemon had a free class at Skogg Kettleball gym at NW 10th/Everett). Intense! Fun though, I’ll definitely be trying it again. It was the kind of workout that you think, “I don’t think I can do this!” because it’s an 18 pound weight. But then you can, and you do, and it’s awesome!
Evoe – finally stopped in to Evoe/Pastaworks for a sandwich. Mighty fine.
Lardo – I’ve been hashtagging #sandwichgram on Instagram this week. Every time I’ve wanted to try Lardo (at the Good Food Here food cart pod), it seems like they’re closed. Finally, I got to try the tuna melt. Delicious!
Newport – We spent Father’s Day weekend at the coast with my parents. It’s always fun exploring Newport — sea lion spotting, walking the port, looking at boats, finding hilarious unicorn signs (above), and lunch in Nye Beach. Plus, the mildly scary, but exhilarating Harley ride with my dad!
Portland Beer & Cheese Festival – cheese, glorious cheese. And beer. Two of my favorite things! More photos of this later. And now I really need to go to a kettleball workout again.
What are you happy about this week?