
SMART Reading Program – Forkover Friday Week 4

February 11, 2011

Last Updated:

This last week, I gave to a cause that I love and have previously volunteered with: SMART — Start Making A Reader Today.

What is SMART?

The SMART program helps elementary students become confident readers by pairing them with volunteers for one-on-one attention. They also provide books for the kids to take home (and keep) on a frequent basis, which is really helpful as a lot of the kids in this program come from families that aren’t supporting them in this area already, so having new and fun books to take home as their own creates an excitement around learning and reading which is really fun to see.

How we can help:

1. Donate online to SMART.
2. Volunteer to be a reader.

Forkover Friday Week 4
Who it helps: students
What non-profit: SMART
Where: Portland, Oregon
Why: I volunteered with SMART as a reader and it was a wonderful experience to watch the kids progress and learn to love reading. Photo: mikefats

Where should I give next week?