
Welcome to Romania!

August 5, 2008

Last Updated:

train-to-maramures-romania-from-hungaryThis morning we left for Maramures, Romania. After a bus and train ride to the border town, we had lunch in Debrecen. Then, we boarded a 1 car train into Romania and after another bus ride, we arrived in the hill country of Romania for our homestay. It’s great to be able to see more remote places when you’re with a small group. And the train ride was gorgeous scenery. Fields and fields of corn and sunflowers, with rolling hills,  and rustic haystacks. It reminded me a bit of Eastern Washington. On the ride from the train station, we went through little towns, that confirm your Eastern European stereotypes from movies, complete with babushka type women sitting out chatting on road-side benches. They just make you smile.

  • Tabitha
    August 25, 2009 at 9:58 am

    Ack! I love Romania. I’ve been there three times, and hope to go about a hundred more throughout my life. I’m about to read all of your posts about RO, so don’t be surprised if you get about 25 more comments from me today. I’m not a stalker! :-P