
Tell me about your goals…

October 12, 2015

Last Updated:

Do you set annual or monthly goals? With less than 90 days left in the year (how did that happen?!), I’d love to know how your goals are progressing. Take this short survey (survey now closed!)

Share as much or as little as you like (there aren’t any required questions). All data is confidential and will not be shared, but I’ll share some collective findings in a future post. PS. If you’re looking for a way to track your goals, you can download my Goal Setting Template.

I took the survey too, and for question #2, “How happy are you with the overall progress you’ve made on your 2015 goals?”, I put 6 out of 10. However, going through the specific categories, I had a higher overall feeling of happy or fairly happy with my progress for most of the categories. I also found it fascinating that one of my goals that brought the most stress, was also something I was very happy with my progress on. Funny how that goes, eh?

One of my 2015 Goals is to focus on a “new” challenge/learning/habit each month. The months have ranged from writing to fitness to some business-related stuff and even the outdoors. While I did skip one month, overall it’s been fun to have a little self-imposed challenge.

Here are some ideas for a monthly challenge:

  • Cook at home
  • No alcohol
  • Cleanse/Whole 30
  • Salad a day
  • Meditation
  • 30 days of yoga
  • Headstand a day
  • Creating
  • Giving
  • No sugar
  • Writing 500 words a day
  • No cell phone in bedroom
  • Car free
  • Video or photo a day
  • No social media
  • Learning
  • Debt reduction
  • Thankfulness
  • No buying new things
  • Early start (waking up early)
  • Cleaning as a habit/declutter
  • “3 things that would make today amazing” positive thinking challenge
  • Outdoor time
  • Present-focused

Some months I’ve used the Day One app to make a quick note or picture of my progress. That’s made it fun to look back on. Other months I’ve just gone by feel. Maybe one of these months I’ll take to Instagram to document my progress!