
Haiti + Mercy Corps {Week 3}

January 20, 2012

Last Updated:

mercycorp-haiti-290x290As we pass the two year mark of the Haiti earthquake, it’s fascinating to revisit the help and growth that’s been given, and learn about all the work that still needs to be done.

Portland-based Mercy Corps has had a tremendous impact on Haiti — helping more than 1.1 million people. While disaster assistance is no longer the need, Haiti now needs help with growing their local economy.

So Week 3 of the Forkover Friday project is for Haiti economic development projects.

In a country where small-scale entrepreneurs are the cornerstone of the local economy, small businesses are key to Haiti’s long-term recovery. —Mercy Corps

MercyCorps created this little infographic to share how they’re working with mango farmers in Haiti to earn more, through efficiency/management and business connections and resources.

Mercy Corps

What they do: Mercy Corps’s mission is to alleviate suffering, poverty and oppression by helping people build secure, productive and just communities

How we can help:

Who it helps: Haitian farmers
What non-profit or company: Mercy Corps
Where: Haiti
Why: Haiti had some donor fatigue since right after the earthquake. Love seeing this economic development assistance

Want to participate in Forkover Friday?

Match my donation of $12 this week to Mercy Corps or pick your own cause and leave a comment below if you feel like sharing!