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Am I a Pocket Gardener? (+ IKEA Trellis Find!)

April 30, 2009

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The May issue of Sunset magazine came this weekend! I got some great inspiration from the “pocket garden” feature (page 40). They have a plan for 2′, 3′ and 4′ square gardens… adding a few more items to each. Sunset has really stepped it up in the past year – it’s the perfect combo of inspiration and how-to.

I was debating whether or not to grow cucumbers this year since they are so buggy and disease-ridden, but after reading about the disease-resistant ‘Diva’ cucumber I’ve decided to add it to my plan. Now I have to figure out whether I need to trellis them.


And speaking of… I bought these SALVIA trellises from IKEA at the end of the season last year. They were on clearance for $2.99 and I was sure I could use them for gardening so I snagged a whole cart-full! As I loaded up, people started asking what they were for. I said, “I don’t know, gardening or something,” and the pallet was empty in minutes. ;)

Last year I used them to hold up the tomatoes since they are really sturdy. It will be nice to use them at the beginning of the season this year – would make a good trellis for beans or peas – and now maybe cucumbers!

–the soybean

  • kitty
    May 11, 2009 at 12:37 pm

    In my garden I have grown organic cucumbers – and none of them have been buggy or shown any type of dz! Each year I have grown at least 2 types, and have used absolutely nothing on them except water and sunshine, and they have been prolific and delicious.